Jenny had a profound impact on me. It was quite incredible. Her measured responses, her depth of emotional intellect, her ability to see through someone and find true gold. She did that for me and I will forever be indebted to her. I have a saying now when I find myself in situations and I feel my ego is starting to show up ‘Find your inner Jenny, Jane’. Thank you Jenny – I owe you so much.
- Jane, MD, Marketing Industry
My heartfelt thanks for your amazing presentation. In speaking with staff today, many advised it was the stand-out presentation for them. I suspect there was just on 300 women all feeling like somehow you had lifted the lid on their thoughts and were describing what you saw inside. It was quite magical.
- Diane Pevreal, Manager Community Oral Health, Waikato District Health Board
I had previously done some coaching under Jenny prior to doing the Masks and Shadows experience so I knew what was involved and how important this work is. But doing the pilot programme took me down a path of discovery that really opened my consciousness challenging the way I see and do things. It was life-changing. I have a real love of learning but the biggest a-ha moment was in understanding that I have all the answers within me, I just need to listen, be open, have compassion for myself and be non-judgemental. Sounds easy but so hard to do. The mix of group and individual work is amazing and Jenny like her name, is simply divine.
- Sandra, Senior Leader, Film Industry
It is not often I have the opportunity to ‘work on myself’ and choosing to work with Sandy and Jenny, their collaborators and my course companions on the Leadership Co-lab was an incredibly rewarding and enriching experience. I was looking for something that would help me to make a ‘seismic’ shift, not just a nudge, and I found it. I learned some excellent new models, techniques and perspectives, but two of the most significant outcomes were understanding why I am the way that I am and feeling much better connected with myself and those around me. And because I am becoming a better and more aware leader of ‘myself’, I am becoming a more effective leader of others in different areas of my life. I now feel like a much better version of myself which was important because I didn’t actually want to be anyone else. At work, I have had consistent and positive feedback about the shift. The careful curation and intellectual rigour of the course content is stimulating and the careful and thoughtful way it is delivered all adds up to ‘amazing’. But beware, the work is not easy. Its success relies on being truly honest with yourself and others in your group and you need to be prepared to drop the veil and contribute fully for the benefit of all. This is far from your ‘average leadership course’ but afterwards you will feel far from average.
- Darryl, Head of Department, Public Sector
Play’s Established Leaders Programme was an astounding, insightful, energising and inspiring experience for me. It’s had a huge impact on the way I go about my leadership day-to-day and I recommend it to anyone with curiosity and enthusiasm around being the very best leader they can be.
- Karen, Managing Director, Creative Sector
It was a delight working with Jenny, she offered excellent counsel during a pivotal time in my career when change and professional challenges were distracting me from what was important – inspiring and leading people to achieve great things across the portfolio.
Jenny was extremely influential in guiding me through a challenging period in my career. She was not afraid to discuss her own experiences and how, when weaving them into a narrative that included contemporary research and learning, they formed a perspective that allowed me to re-focus and achieve several personal and professional goals. The sessions with Jenny were always time well spent in addressing the issues that otherwise, denied the business of your best performance as a leader.
- David, Senior Manager, NZ Defence Force
I feel extremely grateful to have been able to work with Sandy and Jenny at Play CLC. I completed an Emerging Leaders course couple of years ago now, which really was life-changing in terms of personal development. The extra work I have completed with them both since has only cemented and expanded that growth. I feel a lot calmer about life in general, I have a stronger belief in myself, and I’m now much more aware of my strengths and weakness – which just makes me so much more in control of my destiny. I just love the positive impact that this way of learning has made on so many areas of my life. This isn’t a traditional “leadership skills” programme, it goes way deeper than learning a set of “techniques”; it’s personal, it’s transformative, and it’s a life-long change in your way of being.
- Brooke, Head of People & Culture, Trilogy Ecoya
This isn’t your standard leadership training. This is a deep reflection on you as a person and will challenge every belief about yourself you have developed over time. The benefit of going back to the beginning is that it creates a solid foundation for the future. I’m excited about how this work will continue to support my growth as an individual and leader.
- Brodie, Senior Manager, Financial Services
Jenny helped me learn more about myself in one hour than I had in a lifetime. She epitomises ‘warm personality’ and has made the toughest learning journey one that has been well guided and supported.
- Emma, Global Manager, Fonterra
Jenny & Sandy's Conscious Leadership course was the catalyst of a profound, positive change in me. Like an X-Ray, it revealed what was hidden below the surface that needed healing in order for me to move forward. The group dynamic was an integral element to faster diagnosis and greater insight into why we're all in this together. The course was the catalyst of a profound positive change in me. Highly recommended... expect the unexpected.
- Kathleen, Sales and Marketing Manager, 95bFM​
The kind of programme Jenny is running isn't for everyone. Sorry, the above statement is untrue, it most definitely is for everyone. It's just that some will find it harder than others and I suspect that those who find it hardest might be the ones who need it most.
One of the first things you'll need to come to terms with is that this stuff will help you and that it is for you. By you, I mean you, personally. I'm as cynical as the next 47-year-old male but I quickly realised I had to knock that on the scone and just listen. And participate. Do this and you'll benefit. But don't expect them to have the answers. We've got the answers, it's just a question of how deep we buried them.
- Rex, Wellington Director, Working Style